Monday, August 30, 2010


Today was my last day helping out with the little girls from the Saints..which is another club nearby where Dorien coaches the younger team. I've been working with the pitchers over there for the past 3 weeks on Monday nights and although I don't always love every second of the frustration that may come with trying to teach pitching, I was very sad when the practice was over and I had to say goodbye to the girls. They presented me with a signed ball after the practice that they had all autographed for me and it was so special and also fun because the ball they use is so small that I forgot I once played with that size at one point. Thats another thing that makes it so special for me because I forget what I was like at that age and how my coordination must have been and what I was able to do and the size of the equipment I wore or used and it feels like it almost never happened sometimes because I haven't been around it that much. I am thankful that while being here I have had the opportunity to work with pitchers of all ages from 10-42 and I think it will make me a better coach well as the fact that my dad pointed out to me today that it is really good for my patience and if I made it out without strangling anyone then it was really helping me more in the long run :]

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